Sunday, May 21, 2017

Task 3: Rehearsal of the Performance

In the rehearsal's, we explored the use of a range of the different Brecht's techniques and involved it in our performance.
Firstly, we all have started out acting in a very shy way, therefore, not exaggerating our actions as we needed to, and involving too much emotions in the lines. This would then cause the failure of stressing expressionism like we should through using Brecht's techniques. Therefore, slowly through getting used to exaggerating all our actions, and creating humour and sarcasm in the lines, we successfully achieved a part of the Verfrumdungseffekt purpose.
Secondly, we used costumes to help directly inform the audience of each of our roles. For example for Sonny, since he was the evil doctor of the play; we first bought a doctor's mask for him to symbolise his role to the audience. However, we all decided to wear the same base costume (black top and black pants) since overdressing would make it close to realism, and if we do this it would help remind the audience about the fact that this is the play.

Additionally, we had used lights to show the audience where to place their focus on. This would increase the impact the purpose has on the audience. For example, in the image below, the light was focused on me (defence counsel) while I was speaking.
Jeremy fixing the lights and positioning them

We created humour through using different gestures and tones in the play. This refers to the Brecht's technique of Gestus. By including this, we could successfully criticise the plot (real political situation) which was the purpose of the play. Also, through this we would gain more attention from the audience and let them enjoy both the message and the play itself during the performance.

After we have incorporated these techniques into the play, we had to memorise the lines and the techniques before the actual performance. We found out with the limited time it was hard. Therefore, we had tried a speed run through the lines many times to memorise our lines effectively. By speaking our lines fast over and over again, I found it very useful and later we became a lot more better in our lines than before.
The process of the rehearsals very useful and I felt that I had learned a lot in terms of using the theoretical techniques into practicals.

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