Sunday, May 21, 2017

Blog Post 2: Statement of Artistic Intentions

The artistic intention for this unit is to use Brecht's techniques to inform the audience about the issues and dangers underlying the use of technology and innovations. We have chosen a scene from Brecht's play, "The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui". We chose the scene of the trial that was held in the courthouse. Firstly, the play teaches the audience about how the scientific and technical innovations that Hitler brought into the region was dangerous. Also, in the scene we chose, Brecht used a lot of different innovative techniques to deliver the play's purpose in a scientific and logical approach. In the process of preparing and performing the play we intended to artistically express how "Scientific and Technical Innovations" can be merged into the arts. This is done through delivering the play's message of criticising the negatives of technical development, while using innovative techniques.
We used a range of Brecht's techniques in the performance. For example, throughout the play we stressed and used expressionism as a feature so we can enhance the impact the criticism has on the audience. The costumes and props used in the play are going to break the 4th wall between the actors and the audience by intending to show directly what the characters are as well as reminding the audience directly it is a play. Lights and signs are going to be use to purposely intend to directly show what is happening in the scene and interacting with the audience.
All of these techniques are intended to complete Brecht's famous concept of Verfrumdungseffekt. This concept is to limit the audience's emotions and deep connection with the plot of the play; but to stress the importance of the message of the play through allowing them to logically think and later propose change in the society and political situation. This effect is to use all of the elements in theatre to directly tell what the audience needs to know about the plot of the play so they would not need to guess or think. This would be a more effective way. For example in the play we would use signs and projection to show the audience what happens in the scene before it is performed.
This effect intend to heavily stress through performing a play that informs the audience about certain issues that underlies development.

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