Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Importance of Criteria

Through the process of creating, improving, and presenting the presentations of TiE, I have learned the significant importance of the MYP criteria for Drama. 
For the presentations, we were assessed on the Criteria A. 
To achieve a 7-8 mark on Criteria A, we would have to achieve the following:

i. demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including concepts, processes, and excellent use of subject-specific terminology

ii. demonstrates excellent understanding of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts

iii. demonstrates excellent use of acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions in the process of creating artwork.

For the first strand, I have learned that we would have to include concepts, processes and subject-specific terminology. I was confused with this strand at first, which led me to the incorrect explanation and use of these three requirement. For example, I had used processes in the wrong way. Instead of stating the processes of TiE, I had explained the development process of TiE. After the presentation, I had understood the this strand is to state the concepts needed in TiE, state the processes needed in TiE (What is done in TiE?), and use specific terminology in the explanations of TiE. Mr. Evans showed us what it would look like to achieve this strand: 
After this explanation, I had understood the way to achieve this strand. I have realised once you understand this, it wouldn't be as hard to achieve it. 
For the second strand, the criteria stated to demonstrate the context of the role of art. I have understood that to achieve this strand we could present information on the historical context of TiE. Using the historical context, we could show the development and the role of TiE as an art form. Again, to achieve the first strand throughout the presentation, I could include specific terminology in the explanations. 

For the third strand, the criteria stated again about including knowledge of the processes of TiE. This would be achieved likely to the first strand. 

Learning about these strands shows me what I can do to improve my presentation for the end product that should be made for the final submission of the MYP E-Portfolio. 

The criteria is important because if they are not achieved, then the marks for the final presentation which would be for the E-Portfolio would be low. Therefore, achieving these standards are very important. Now, I have learned approximately what to do to achieve them through this practice presentation process.

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